Creative City Project

Creative City Project

Educational - Festivals - Film/Video - Food/Drink - Kids/Family - Literature/Poetry - Media - Music - Nonprofit - Performing Arts - Theatre - Traditional Arts - Visual Arts


 PO Box 4346, Orlando, FL 32802

Creative City Project exists to contribute to a sustainable arts culture in Orlando through world-class arts events that give audiences an experience they can’t have anywhere else. We desire to platform and support artists as we collaborate to help Orlando not only be known as a city of the arts but a city known for innovation in the arts.

Creative City Project (CCP) began in 2012 as a group of artists performing on street corners and in plazas around Downtown Orlando, now a decade later Creative City Project is fulfilling its mission to cultivate a thriving arts community in Central Florida through a deeper sense of ownership and care for Orlando amongst its residents while shaping the global perception of The City Beautiful which is known for its innovation and creativity. Creative City Project is fully committed to inspiring Central Florida’s audiences and helping guests live a life of creativity and adventure while connecting them with meaningful arts experiences on an annual basis. Creative City Project is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to creating one-of-a-kind arts experiences you can’t have anywhere else in the world. Additionally, each Monday, Creative City Project releases “This Week In Art ” video series highlighting interesting arts events happening across Central Florida that week and hosts a weekly podcast called “Artrepreneur” focused on helping artists make creativity their career. For more information on Creative City Project and upcoming events and performances, visit